Red bacterial zone in diabetes dissolved by fenugreek - a randomised control trial

Gopalakrishnan S., Ramakrishnan T and Kanimozhi G

Aims: To see the effect of fenugreek as an adjuvant to subgingival scaling and root planning (SRP)on the quantitative assessment of red complex microorganisms and compare it with the group treated with SRP and metformin alone.
Material and Methods: In this study 80 patients were included which was further divided in to two groups. Each group consisted of 40 patients. Group 1 included 40 chronic generalised periodontitis patients with uncontrolled Type 2 DM who received SRP and metformin. Group 2 included 40 chronic generalised periodontitis patients with uncontrolled Type 2 DM, who received SRP, Metformin plus Fenugreek powder. Periodontal parameters like gingival index, Plaque index, bleeding on probing, Pocket depth and clinical attachment levels were assessed at baseline and one month after non-surgical periodontal therapy. Blood samples were collected to assess the levels of glycemic status using FBS and HbA1c. Subgingival plaque samples were also collected to assess the quantitative measurement of red complex microorganisms (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tanerella forsythia and Treponema denticola) at baseline and after nonsurgical periodontal therapy.
Results: The results showed statistically significant reduction in all the clinical parameters in both the groups. The glycemic status showed statistical significant changes in FBS for both the groups and in HbA1c for group 2 patients alone (P <0.001) when Intra group comparison of Red complex organisms was done between group 1 and group 2 patients, statistical significant reduction was seen for Treponema denticola and Tanerella forsythia and not for Porphromonas gingivalis in group 1 patients whereas there is statistical significant reduction was observed for all the three organisms in group 2 patients(P <0.001).
Conclusion: This study shows that fenugreek powder can be used in diabetic patients to reduce the microbial load and also as an adjuvant to nonsurgical periodontal therapy in chronic generalised periodontitis patients.

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