Pure primary squamous cell carcinoma of breast: a rare case report

Ravi HariPhulware., Sourav Panda., Saurav Banarjee., Sunil Mahto and Asish Rath

Pure Primary Squamous Cell carcinoma of breast is a very rare neoplasm. The reported incidences vary from 0.04% to 0.1% of all breast carcinomas. We report a case of Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of breast in a 50 years old female. The lady present with a left breast lump since 6 months. A squamous cell carcinoma was suspected on FNAC and was later confirmed by histopathology. The tumor was triple negative for ER, PR and HER 2/Neu, while immunopositive for pancytokeratin. The disease spread and therapy strategies are different from common breast carcinomas.

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