Prevalence of nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit

R. Priscilla and Arun Ghosh

Introduction: ICU patients are at risk for acquiring nosocomial infection. The present study is to define, underlying disease, severity of illness, of nosocomial infections in ICU patients .Patients hospitalized in the ICU’s are 5 to 10 times more likely to acquire nosocomial infections than other hospital infections. The frequency on infections at different anatomic sites and the risk of infection vary by the type of ICU. The main objective of research is to study the prevalence of nosocomial infections in the ICU and to find out the predominant organism causing.
Methods: A total of 60 cases developing infection after 48 hours after admission into intensive care unit were studied. Study design – Prospective study for half year. Sample size – 60 cases will be included in the study with detailed history, physical examination and required lab investigations. Results will be analysed statistically.
Results: Among 60 patients who had nosocomial infections in the ICU, (23)38.33% had UTI, (19) 31.66% LRTI, (10)16.66%Soft tissue infections & (08) 13.33% had Pneumonias. Among 08 cases of Pneumonias 06 were associated with VAP. This study also reveals that 43(71.66%) were due to device related and 17(28.33%) were non device related. Gram negative aerobes were the predominant organisms isolated in this study and appropriate antibiotic were substituted on Culture sensitivity reports. The mean age of the patients was 34-35years ranging from (23 to 80 years), there were 44males (73.33%) and 16 females (26.66%) in this study. Out of 60 patients, 32 (53%) were on ≥2 antibiotics. The mean days of use of antibiotics were 10 days. Mean days of stay in ICU was 6-22 days. Out of 60 patients, 34 (56.66%) had HTN, 13(21.66%) had DM and 13(21.66%) had related Co-morbidities.
Conclusions: NIs is seen worldwide but is less studied and are given less emphasis in developing countries. This study reports various types of Nosocomial Infections in the ICU set up. The relatively high incidence of NI observed in this study may be a reflection of the higher severity of illness, poor nutritional status, more interventions poor handling by staff and possibly poor adherence to aseptic measures. The ICU of low resource country may have to cope up with patients with severe illness coupled with lack of resources and expertise and control the nosocomial infection.

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