Potential means to lower cholesterol oxidation products (cops) in the diet: a review

Manoja Joshi, Priya Darshane and Monali Beke

Cholesterol is a monosaturated sterol, present in the foods of animal origin. It has highest odds to get oxidized into a series of oxidized products called as cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) or oxysterols during processing and storage. Most of them are produced during thermal processing of animal origin foods. These oxysterols are well known for their diverse negative biological effects. These zenobiotic effects have been researched a lot and many studies exhibit domino effect of natural and synthetic antioxidants and fermented dairy products on lowering the concentration of oxysterols in foods. The present review focuses on certain potentially significant and evidenced means of lowering these exogenous and endogenous COPs. This review will positively prove noteworthy to every segment of community as well as food industry so as to lower the concentration of oxysterols in food production, processing and storage.

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