Posterior gastric diverticulum mimicking left adrenal lesion on ct, role of mdct – a case report

Sanjay Mhalasakant Khaladkar., Vigyat Kamal., Shubham Singhal and Anubhav Kamal

Gastric diverticulum is a rare type of gastrointestinal diverticula. Most of these lesions are located within close proximity of oesophago-gastric junction, more so on the lesser curvature. These can be of congenital, acquired, partial or complete type. Gastric diverticulum arising from posterior wall of gastric fundus can mimic adrenal lesion. Hence, accurate diagnostic evaluation is essential to differentiate between them. MDCT is extremely useful in differentiating gastric diverticulum from adrenal lesion due to multiplanar imaging capability, presence of oral contrast and air.

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