Paraneoplastic Manifestations Of Lymphoma

Anvesh Rathore., AP Dubey., SK Rai and Abhishek Pathak

Introduction- Paraneoplastic syndromes (PNS) are a group of clinical disorders associated with an
underlying malignant disease that are not directly related to the physical effects of the primary or
metastatic tumor but caused by systemic effects occurring remotely from the cancer primary site or
metastasis. Aims & Objectives- The aim of study is to study various types of paraneoplastic
manifestations associated with the patients of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Material
And Methods- All the patients presented to this center and freshly diagnosed with Hodgkin and Non
Hodgkin Lymphoma were assessed for associated Paraneoplastic manifestations. Results- A total of
175 patients of Hodgkin or non Hodgkin lymphoma reported to this center out of which 67 (38.2%)
were having Hodgkin lymphoma and 108 (63.8%) had Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. Out of 67 patients
presented with hodgkin lymphoma six patients (8.9%) were detected to have paraneoplastic
manifestaions. Most common age group affected was identified as those between 6th to 7th decade.
Females were more commonly affected and anemia was noticed as the most common. Out of 108
patients detected to have Non hodgkin lymphoma, 22 (20.37%) patients were detected to have
paraneoplastic manifestation which was higher as compared to patients with Hodgkin lymphoma
(8.9%). Conclusion- This study was conducted to define various paraneoplastic manifestations
associated with lymphoma.

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