Outcome of postdated pregnancy in a teaching hospital of kolkata, india during covid pandemic

Soumi Biswas., Abhishek Roy., Gokul Raman Chandran and Kajal Kumar Patra

Background: The risks to the fetus increase after 41 weeks mainly due to increasing fetal weight, decline in placental function, oligohydramnios which increase chances of cord compression, and meconium aspiration. Perinatal mortality after 42 weeks is twice as compared to the perinatal mortality at 40 weeks and by 44 weeks the rate is increased up to threefold. In cases of prolonged pregnancy, fetus is more at risk of hypoxia during labor than a fetus at term. Methods: This cross sectional observational study of feto-maternal outcome in post dated pregnancy (Women beyond 40 weeks of gestation) was carried out in the department Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata from October 2019 to September 2020, willing to participate and fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria in the study period. Aim is to assess maternal and fetal outcome in postdated pregnancy. Results: In present study among 311post dated pregnancy women,86.8% of patients were in the age group of ≤ 30yrs. 50% of the patients had natural onset of labour. At the time of admission 25 (8%) patients were unbooked. Fetal distress was present in 93 (29.9%) of the patients. Normal vaginal delivery was done in 127 (40.84%) of the patients. LSCS was done in 117 (37.62%) of the patients. HIE was present in 47 (15.11%) babies and 3 (0.96%) of the babies were still born. Conclusions: Postdated pregnancy was associated with perinatal complications like fetal distress, meconium aspiration syndrome and fetal asphyxia etc. Management of postdated pregnancy is a challenge to obstetrician and a careful advice and monitoring can alleviate maternal anxiety and untoward complications.

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