Novel magnetic dosage form for the local treatment of inflammatory diseasesin otorhinolaryngology

Vedernykova I., Levitin Ye., Ivashura M and Lisovets O

Introduction: Design of Magnetic Drug Delivery Systems one of the object researching to modern pharmaceutical science. The dosage form with the magnetite nanoparticles in the form of ointment was created with active ingredients trimecaine, methyluracil, dioxidine on the base of PEG 400/1500 mixture for topical treatment of otorhinolaryngological infectious diseases such as tonsillitis. Use of such a magnetic formulation with its applying and fixing via an external magnet on the tonsils will allow improving the efficacy of local treatment. Pharmacological studies of the proposed method of treatment were evaluated by the dynamics of the main clinical symptoms observed in the treatment of compensated forms of chronic tonsillitis. Methodology: Magnetic ointment was applied directly to the surface of the tonsil and the posterior wall of the pharynx. Permanent magnet was applied to the outer part of the mandible in the area of the projection of the tonsils and the posterior wall of the pharynx for a period of 5 to 10 minutes. Results: 126 people diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis were examined and treated. Simple form - 54 patients and toxic-allergic form of I degree - 72 patients. It was found that bacterialcontamination of themucousmembrane of the posteriorwall of thepharynx and tonsils was normalizedduringtreatment and did not increase after one month. Conclusion: Usage of magnetic ointment in the treatment of compensated forms of chronic tonsillitis has a total therapeutic effect; allows eliminating inflammation of the palatine tonsils, to prevent the development of relapses of the disease and its complications.

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