The most common enemy - helicobacter pylori

Karthik Raja K., Ashok Swaminathan Govindarajan., Prema M and Bhaskaran R

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) colonise nearly half of the world’s population and thus, is one of the most frequent and persistent bacterial infections worldwide. H. pylori are associated with chronic recurrent gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric ulcers, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and gastric cancer and rarely even in otherwise normal mucosa. Various diagnostic methods exist to detect infection, and the choice of one method or another depends on several factors, such as accessibility, advantages and disadvantages of each method, cost, and the age of patients. Once H. pylori infection is diagnosed by endoscopy, the clinician decides whether treatment is necessity, according to the patient’s clinical condition. Typically, eradication of H. pylori is recommended for treatment and prevention of the infection. In this work, we review the prevalence of H. pylori in local rural population ,simple and main diagnostic methods used to identify H. pylori infection and also to identify the common manifestation of H. pylori infection in the local population by upper G I endoscopy.


1. To identify the prevalence of H. Pylori infection in local population.
2. To identify the common manifestation of H. Pylori infection by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
3. To identify the cost effective and simple test for identification of H. Pylori infection

Methods: Prospective study done in the Department of General Surgery by a single unit from January 2016 to December 2016. Total of 129 patients were included in the study. All these patients were subjected to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Multiple biopsy specimens were taken from the gastric antrum. Rapid urease test were done for all these patients and other biopsy was sent for Culture. Results of the above tests are collected and analyzed and documented. Statistical analysis was done using Student chi - square test. All these patients were followed up for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

Results: A total 129 patients subjected to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy based upon their symptoms and severity of pain abdomen. Multiple biopsies were taken and send for rapid urease test and for Culture. Of the total 129 patients tested for h .pylori after endoscopy 104 patients were found positive for H. pylori infection. A total of 91 males and 38 females were included in the study. Of the 91 males 74 males and 30 out of 38 females were found positive for H. Pylori infection by both Rapid Urease test and Culture. Rapid urease test was positive for H. pylori infection in 80.6 %( n= 104) of the patients and Culture report was positive in 79.06 % (n=102) of the patients.

Conclusion: There is high prevalence of H. Pylori in patients with acid peptic disorders and with history of dyspepsia in the local population. Chronic gastritis is the commonest manifestation of h pylori infection and endoscopy confirmed the diagnosis. Rapid urease test was found to be cost effective and is the test of choice for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection when endoscopy is used.

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