COVID 19 disease emerged in Wuhan, China and spread like a storm throughout the world including India. Mortality due to covid was of high concern during the pandemic.
Aim: The study was designed to analyze the various parameters in covid 19 non survivors and their correlation with mortality at a tertiary care hospital.
Material and Methods: This was an observational studyconducted in a dedicated COVID hospital, for 6 months from June 2020 to November 2020. Out of 1376 COVID 19 cases,332 were non-survivors. The various parametersin the non-survivors associated with mortality like age, sex, comorbidities, SPO2 at admission, inflammatory markers and HRCT score were studied.
Results: Mortality showed a positive correlation with older age, male sex, multiple comorbidities, low SPO2 level at the time of admission, raised inflammatory markers and high HRCT score.
Conclusion: Male gender, advancing age, moderate to severe disease at the time of first visit to hospital, low SPO2 at the time of admission and associated comorbidities were the main factors leading to a high mortality. Inflammatory markers and CTSS played a definite role in predicting mortality.
Mortality analysis of covid 19 cases at a tertiary care centre in western maharashtra
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