In medical education teaching both theory and treatment of patient have importance. Most non medical institutes teach theory class in a large class room (lecture taken by a faculty member). But in medical education theory and patient examination related with each other, so it is not sufficient (Incomplete teaching) to take only a large sized classes for medical teaching. After learning theory, medical student implies his /her knowledge on patient and correlate theory with patient sign & symptom for try to make a diagnosis. Capability of correlation and proper communication with patient is very important for medical student. Communicating skill is such that patient told faithfully all about his /her habits, disease, past history of any disease, and any relevant thing to medical student. So it is very necessary to teach medical student in such a way that he /she after teaching & learning theory of medical subject imply his /her knowledge to examine a patient, it is possible only when teaching done in a small sized class (6-10 student at a time ). So preferred mode for medical teaching which will develop in student - A good communication skill (for handling of patient and with each other to understand a difficult subject /patient case to make proper treatment guidelines) is teaching in small groups by different methods.