Skin conditions are the most common reason for patients seeking consultations in general practice, making general practitioners the first point of clinical contact for persons with skin conditions. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Ministry of Health (MOH) primary healthcare centers (PHCCs) in Jeddah city in 2014 to assess the knowledge level of common dermatological disorder, the sample size was estimated at 210, but the actual number of randomly selected participants in the study was 233. This study included 212 PHCPs out of 233, giving a response rate of (91%), most of the participants were general practitioners (GPs) 132 (62.2%). Approximately 50% of the PHCPs were between 30 and 40 years of age, and 156 (77.8%) had graduated after the year 2000. Most of them 178 (84%) were Saudis, and the majority 134 (63.2%) were males. the knowledge level in 199 (93.8%) of the study PHCPs regarding common dermatological disorders was considered to be insufficient (less than 60%), the study did not find any significant statistical association between the knowledge of the study PHCPs and their previous attendance in dermatological educational activities (P = 0.87). The PHCPs’ knowledge regarding common dermatological disorders was insufficient, indicating the need to improve such knowledge among them, filling the dermatology knowledge gaps of PHCPs is crucial, since they are the first doctors consulted by patients having skin problems in a PHC setting.