Formulation and evaluation of paracetamol – aceclofenac tablets using abelmoschus esculentus mucilage as binding agent and naturally occuring gums

Christopher Vimalson D., Anbazhagan S., Jeganathan N.S., Subash Chandra Boss P.V., Sathya B and Punitha E

The study was designed to formulate oral tablet dosage form of Pracetamol – Acelofenac tablets using Abelmoschus esculentus mucilage and compared with a naturally occurring gum like acacia gum as binding agent. The fruits of Abelmoschus esculentus were collected, deseeded, sliced, homogenized and the mucilage was extracted. Phytochemical tests were carried out for the extracted mucilage which showed the presence of mucilage. Physiochemical characteristics like pH and viscosity were also found for the Extracted gum. Pre-compression parameters like Bulk density, Tapped density, Compressibility index (%) and Hausner Ratio were determined. In FTIR analysis, the Principal peaks obtained in IR spectra of samples were almost similar to that of pure drug, indicating no interaction between drug and polymers. Post compression parameters like Content uniformity, Thickness, Hardness, Friability, Weight variation, Swelling index were carried out and were found within the prescribed limits. The matrix tablets were subjected to in vitro drug release studies in 5.8 pH and 7.5 pH Phosphate buffer for Paracetamol and Aceclofenac respectively for 5 Hrs. The percent of drug release decreases when the gum concentration increases. Thus Aelmoschus esculentus mucilage could be employed in tablets with sustained release of drugs.

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DOI: 23956429.ijcmpr20180351
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