Exudative pleural effusion in left oblique fissure masquerading as pseudotumor - a rare case report

Gurpreet Singh., Srijna Rana ., Nirmal Chand Kajal ., Nishanth PS., NS Neki and Nadia

A pleural effusion is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. It can pose a diagnostic dilemma to the treating physician because it may be related to disorders of the lung or pleura, or to a systemic disorder. Pleural effusion may extend into the major fissures and give them a characteristic appearance, particularly in heart failure, and manifest as vanishing or phantom tumors (pseudotumors). Pulmonary inflammatory tumors, are also referred to as pseudotumor. We present a case of a 62 years old female presenting to us with breathlessness and on radiological examination was found to have fluid in horizontal fissure which vanished with appropriate treatment.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr20170333
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