Evaluation of the most common co morbid conditions associated with severe acute malnutrition in children of age group 0-5 years admitted in tertiary care teaching hospital

Manohar.B., Surendra Reddy.N., Bhavya.V and Ranganayakulu.D

Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the most common comorbid conditions associated with severe acute malnutrition in children of age group 0-5 years admitted in tertiary care hospital.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 120 mothers at nutrition rehabilitation centre (NRC). All children admitted in the NRC with SAM from the age of 1 month to 5 years were included in the study.
Results: Out of 120 patients, 49.16% were infants, 35% were toddlers and females are major portion 56%, than males 44%.Out of 120 mothers 48.3% were 18-22 years age group and the patients with commonly observed co morbidities are pneumonia 40.83%, global developmental delay 14.16%, septicemia 9.16% and anemia 8.33% etc. Major Comorbid conditions like Pneumonia 48.97% were observed in 13 to 36 months and Global Developmental Delay 70.58%, Septicemia 63.63% and Failure to thrive 36.36%, Anemia and Gastroenteritis, UTI, Microcephaly in 6 to 12 months children were observed. Minor comorbid conditions like Fever 75% Diarrhea 66.66% fallowed by Rickettsial Fever 100% were observed in 13 to 36 months children and Dehydration 50%, Dysentery 66.66% and cardiac beriberi 100% were observed in 37 to 60 months children.
Conclusion: In this study we found majority of comorbid conditions associated with severe acute malnutrition were infectious in origin. This study emphasizes the need to improve knowledge and confidence of mothers through appropriate counselling and support by the clinical pharmacist in association with other health care professionals with the ultimate goal of preventing malnutrition and associated comorbid conditions.

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