Evaluation of efficacy of ringer lactate in pre- loading and co-loading for Prevention of hypotension and bradycardia during spinal Anaesthesia in lower abdominal and lower extremity Sugeries: a random controlled study

Appoorva Kaul., Biren Suri and Madhvi Santpur

Background & aims: To evaluate the background of Ringer Lactate in pre- loading and co- loading
for prevention of hypotension and bradycardia during
spinal anaesthesia in lower abdominal and lower extremity surgeries.
Method: Totally 100 ASA Grade 1 and 11 adult patients who underwent and lower limb surgery
under spinal anaesthesia were randomly allocated to two group, confirming 50 patients in each group.
Group 1 (n-50): Pre-loading with ringer lactate 12 ml) kg body with 30 minutes before giving the
spinal anaesthesia with 18G cannula.
Group 11 (n-50): Co-loading with ringer lactate 12m1/kg body weight immediately after induction
of spinal anaesthesia with 18G Cannula. Baseline BP Heart rate SPO2 were recorded before
operation subsequent reading was taken at 1, 5, 10 minutes and every 10 minutes till 1st hour.
After completion of the mentioned infusion, intra venous fluid was administered, at a rate of rate
8m1/kg/hr in both the groups.
Result: There was no statistically significant difference in pro-operative systolic Blood pressure,
diastolic blood pressure mean arterial blood pressure heart rate and SPO2 between two groups.
Conclusion: Co-loading with 12 ml/kg of lactated ringer solution is as effective as pre-loading with
same solution is an effective as pre- loading with same volume over 30 minutes before sub-arachnoid
block to prevent hypotension and bradycardia. So it is unnecessary to advocate traditional practice of
crystalloid over loading.

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