Electrophysiological approach and neuro behavioural assessment of acute neurotoxicity with regal dry gin

Emmanuel O. Adegbite, ItamunoalaEmmanuelaBelema and J.O Sanya

Electrical and behavioural effects of exposure to lethal dose level of regal gin have been examined in
mice.Regal gin is ubiquitous and a widely consumed drink among youths. Its major component,
alcohol is implicated in the aetiology of several neurological disorders and likewise known to cause
various damages to different parts of the brain, chronically and acutely.The treated mice show
significant slow response to motor stimuliand prolong response time even after the withdrawal of
stimuli. Behaviour of both the mice was examined by ethological analysis of encounters between the
gin-treated and control mice of the same sex. It suggests that acute neurotoxocity with regal gin
causes significant alteration in motor function and the limbic system at the level of the hippocampal
formation, thus producing significant behavioural changes between the two groups. Significantly,
similar effects were widely spread among animals in both groups. In this study, the trend of action
potential (AP) generated is discussed in different phases. Spike trends and peak patterns were also
carefully read and noted.

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