Oral cancer when caught at an early stage is often curable, inexpensive to treat and affords a better
quality of life. With this aim various techniques have been developed to supplement clinical
examination and improve the diagnosis of premalignant and early malignant lesions.
Aims and objective: The objective of this study is to determine the diagnostic efficiency of Toludine
blue in oral premalignancies and malignancies and to analyse the reliability of in vivo staining with
Toludine blue in the lesions at risk of malignancy and its correlation to epithelial dysplasias seen in
histological sections.
Materials and methods: Study was conducted in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Pathology, Y.M.T Dental College, Navi Mumbai. The study group comprised of 25 subjects with
clinically suspicious premalignant lesions and 25 subjects with clinically suspicious malignant
lesions. Depending on the retention of dye, the biopsy site was determined. The biopsy specimen was
sent for histological confirmation.
Results: Premalignant lesions and conditions take up Toludine blue stain in deeper intensities
depending on the severity of dysplasia.
Conclusion: Toludine blue staining can be used as a supplement to aid in diagnosis of premalignant
and malignant lesions.
Diagnostic efficiency of toludine blue in determining premalignant and early malignant lesions
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