Context: The Head and Neck pathologies present a diagnostic and management challenge, especially for a peripheral health care facility. FNAC is a safe and reliable diagnostic tool available, which can resolve many diagnostic and management related dilemmas in such conditions.
Aims: The aim of the present study was to determine incidence of various Head and Neck pathologies with FNAC and establish the role of FNAC in diagnosis of these pathologies in peripheral hospital.
Settings and Design: Descriptive study
Methods and Material: Four hundred and fifteen patients, who underwent FNAC for Head and Neck pathologies over a period of six years in a peripheral hospital. The distribution of various pathologies on basis of origin, age and sex was observed. All data was compiled and analysed in Microsoft Excel.
Results: Out of total 1409 FNACs done, 415 (29.45%) were conducted for head and neck pathologies on 238 male and 177 female patient with age ranging from 3 years to 76 years. The most common condition source of Head and neck lesion was lymph node, followed by thyroid. Reactive lymphadenitis and tubercular lymphadenitis were the most common lesions diagnosed in patient less than 20 years. In age group 20 -40 years, most common diagnosis were reactive lymphadenitis and colloid goiter, while in patients over 40 years of age, most common diagnosis were colloid goiter and nodal metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma.
Conclusions: The study describes the distribution of various Head and Neck pathologies encountered in a peripheral hospital. FNAC contribute considerably to diagnosis and management of these lesions and has a definitive role as a safe and reliable diagnostic tool.
A descriptive study on fnac as diagnostic procedure in head and neck in a peripheral hospital
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