Comprehensive study on demography of hypospadias cases in rural bengal of india

Sanjoy Narayan Dhara., AjayBabu Kannabathula and Himadri Sunam

Disorders of the external genitalia are especially troubling for parents because of the unconscious emotional significance of these reproductive structures and, probably, the consequent impact of deformities on future generations. The development of the genitourinary system is complex. The urinary system includes the kidneys, ureter, the bladder and the urethra. In terms of their development, the kidney and the ureter develop from intermediate mesoderm. The bladder and the urethra develop from the urogenital sinus. Numerous anomalies of the urethra exist with wide diversity, either as isolated defect or as a part of external genitalia anomalies or in combination with other disorders. To find out the associated congenital abnormalities in genito-urinary system due to hypospadias in paediatric age group. In this regard: (a) to find out the different types of hypospadias
(b) To identify the possible causes. (c) To find out the anatomical changes.
Material and Methods Patient presenting with hypospadias will be selected at Surgery OPD of BMC&H in June 2014 to June 2015 with 100 patients. Following procedures will be adopted for evaluation. (a) History
(b) Clinical examination. (c) Routine investigation. (d) Special investigation: Ultrasonography, MCU.
Results: Found eleven variants in different age group Types of Hypospadias Anterior, Middle and Posterior, and Subtypes of glanular, coronal, sub coronal, distal penile, proximal penile, midshaft , perineal, penoscrotal, Scrotal, Perineal.
Conclusion: The most frequent congenital anomaly associated with hypospadias was persistent prostatic utricle in 18% cases followed subsequently by undescended testis (9% cases), inguinal hernia (8% cases), congenital heart disease in 4% of cases, anorectal malformation in 2% cases, musculo-skeletal anomaly in 2% cases, cleft palate in 1% case, cerebral palsy in 1% case and vesico- urethral reflux in 1% case.

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