Aim: Our purpose was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of 3 T multiparametric MR imaging in prostate cancer detection by using histopathological findings as the reference standard, and to determine the potential utility of MpMR imaging for identification of clinically significant prostate cancer.
Matherial and methods: Between July 2017 and February 2018, 62 patients who underwent 3 Tesla (T) prostate MRI, were evaluated according to PIRADSv2 guidelines. All patients were scored by two radiologists blinded to pathology results, and then the correlation between PIRADSv2 scores and pathology results of 62 patients who had biopsy were analyzed.
Results: The mean age, PSA level and prostate volume of all patients were 65,6 years (46- 86), 70,81 (3.11-1170) ng/ml, 52,22 (7,9-161,7 )ml, respectively. A statistically significant difference was found between PIRADS score of T2W, DWI, DCE, MpMRI and histopathological results (p<0,05). For T2W, the sensitivity was %83,87, the specifity was
%61,29 (criteration>PIRADS 3, area under curve;0,73), for DWI the sensitivity was %93,55, the specifity was %80,65 (criteration> PIRADS 3, area under curve;0,87), for DCE the sensitivity was %93,55, the specifity was %67,74 (criteration for positive enhancement, area under curve;0,81). For MpMRI the sensitivity was %96,77, the specifity was %74,19 (criteration> PIRADS 3, area under curve;0,85). The ADC cut off value was found 0,7 x 10−3 mm2/sec. ROC analysis was found for this cut off value area under curve;0,943, the sensitivity was %93,5, the specifity%83,9.
Conclusion: MpMRG appears to be very promising in identifying patients with suspected prostate cancer, localizing, characterizing, determining the level of risk, and determining patient selection and observation strategies for biopsy according to risk level.
Comparison of 3 tesla multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging finding and histopathological findings in the diagnosis of prostate cancer
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