Background: Induction of labour is stimulation of uterine contractions before the spontaneous onset of labour anytime after fetal viability with or without ruptured membranes for the purpose of achieving vaginal delivery.
Objective: To compare transcervical Foleys catheter plus low dose vaginal misoprostol with low dose vaginal misoprostol alone for induction of labour.
Materials and Methods: A random group of sixty antenatal women with singleton pregnancy at term gestation with cephalic presentation with intact membranes were selected and divided into two groups. Combined intracervical Foleys catheter and low dose vaginal misoprostol was given for group A and low dose vaginal misoprostol alone was given for group B. Induction and delivery interval was taken as major outcome. Mode of delivery, NICU admissions and features of chorioamniotis were taken as secondary outcome. Data were analysed. Categorical values were done using Chi square test and Students ‘t’ test for continuous variables.
Results: The mean induction and delivery time interval was shorter in combined group. There was no statistically significant difference in maternal and neonatal outcome between two groups.
Conclusion: Combined Foleys catheter and vaginal misoprostol results in shorter induction to delivery interval as compared to vaginal misoprostol alone for induction of labour.
Comparative study of combined use of misoprostol and foleys catheter with misoprostol alone for induction of labour
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