Introduction: Skin disease is one of the most common human illnesses. It pervades all cultures,
occurs at all ages, and affects between 30% and 70% of individuals, with even higher rates in at risk
Aim: To study the histopathological findings of infectious skin lesions and their clinical correlation.
1. To determine the pattern of the histopathological lesions of infectious dermatoses with respect
to age and sex.
2. To determine the incidence of different infectious skin lesions undergoing punch biopsy.
3. To correlate the clinical diagnosis of the cases with the histopathological diagnosis.
Material and methods: This study includes retrospective study of the infectious skin lesions in the
past three years (Aug 2010 to July 2013) and prospective study of the following two years. 51 cases
of infectious skin lesions have been included in this study.
Observations and results: The observations and results of the present study include age and sex
distribution, site of the lesion, clinical features, histopathological features and their clinicopathologic
Conclusion: Skin lesions are present in limitless variations and in many instances may not easily be
identified by even the most experienced dermatologist. But a thorough history and examination
should at least help us to place our findings into categories, and help us discern a likely etiology.2
Clinicopathological correlation of infectious skin dermatoses
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