Anaphylactic shock caused by combination of artemether-lumefantrine: a case report

Gufran Ali., Kamran Afzal., Mohammad Nasiruddin and Bushra Hasan Khan

A 11 year old female patient was brought to casualty peadiactric ward with complaint of swelling lips, shortness of breath 30 minutes after ingestion of tablet artimither 40 mg and lumefantrine 240 mg in combination. On examination the pulse was feeble, pulse rate was 120/57 mmHg (MAP 73). She was conscious and oriented, there was vesicular breath sounds with prolonged expiration, ronchi were present. The patient was diagnosed as a case of anaphylactic shock and treated with Inj. Adrenaline 0.3 mg i.v., Inj. Hydrocortisone 100 mg i.v., Inj. Pheniramine 4.5 mg i.v. and intravenous fluids. Patient discharged after getting completely recovered.

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