Amyand’s hernia- a rare case report

Preetham Raj G., Yogesh Kadam and Akshatha H Bhat

Amyand’s hernia is an extremely rare condition in which the inguinal hernia sac contains the vermiform appendix. It is most commonly found intra-operatively during a right-sided inguinal
hernia repair This unusual situation is estimated to occur in approximately one percent of adult inguinal hernia cases [1]. Claudius amyand (1660-1740) a french surgeon performd succesfull appendicectomy in 1735 in a 11-year old boy having inguinal hernia with appendix as its content. the term amyand’s hernia is being used variously to refer to occurrence of an inflammed appendix within an inguinal hernia, a perforated appendix within an inguinal herina or a non-inflammed appendix in an irreducible hernia. Till date, less than 20 cases have been reported in english literature. We describe a case of 80yr old male with right sided complete inguinal hernia with appendix as the content.

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